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Die AMPAREX-Releasenotes enthalten Zusammenfassungen der letzten Änderungen und Erweiterungen des aktuellen Software-Releases Ihrer Branchensoftware.

1. API Anpassungen

1.1. Q2. Fehlercodes

Wurde eine AMPAREX API falsch aufgerufen, dann wurden bisher fälschlicher Weise Fehler-Codes im Bereich 500 zurückgegeben. Diese Fehlercodes weisen üblicher Weise auf ein Serverproblem hin. Daher werden nun bei fehlerhaften API Aufrufen Fehler-Codes im Bereich 400 zurückgegeben, die einen besseren Rückschluss auf die Ursache des Fehlers geben.

2. API Anpassungen im Detail

Hier werden die einzelnen API-Änderungen im Detail beschrieben. Eine komplette Beschreibung der API ist hier zu finden.

3. Api Change Log

3.1. What's New

  1. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/articles/detailedsearch Get a list of detailed articles
  2. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/hearingcares/orderbyfields Get possible fields for orderby of hearingcare fields
  3. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/hearingcares/search Get a list of hearingcares
  4. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/hearingcares/{id} Get one specific hearingcare by id
  5. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/marketingactions/orderbyfields Get possible fields for orderby of marketingaction fields
  6. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/marketingactions/search Get a list of marketingactions
  7. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/marketingactions/{id} Get one specific marketingaction by id
  8. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/marketingcampaigns/orderbyfields Get possible fields for orderby of marketingcampaign fields
  9. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/marketingcampaigns/search Get a list of marketingcampaigns
  10. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/marketingcampaigns/{id} Get one specific marketingcampaign by id
  11. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/treatments/{id}/doctors Get the assigned doctor for the treatment
  12. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/versions Create a version
  13. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/LTS/latest Get latest LTS-Version
  14. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/LTS/latest/stable Get latest stable LTS-Version
  15. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/STS/latest Get latest STS-Version
  16. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/STS/latest/stable Get latest stable STS-Version
  17. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/orderbyfields Get possible fields for orderby of version fields
  18. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/search Get a list of versions
  19. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/{id} Get one specific version by id
  20. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/{id} Update a version
  21. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/{mainVersion}/latest Get latest version for given main version
  22. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/versions/{mainVersion}/latest/stable Get latest stable version for given main version

3.2. What's Deleted

    3.3. What's Deprecated

      3.4. What's Changed

      1. POST/alias/{alias}/login Login with user and password, use alias from AMPAREX service account. Each consecutive request, other than login, grants a new security-token with a default validity of 60 minutes. Use the new token to avoid expiration.The use of URL parameters is a securirty isse, whenever possible use the header parameters!
        • 3.4.1. Parameters

          • Add username in header//username
          • Add password in header//password
          • username in query change into not required Notes insecure URL parameter, better use header parameter change into insecure URL parameter, better use header parameter
          • password in query change into not required Notes insecure URL parameter, better use header parameter change into insecure URL parameter, better use header parameter
        • 3.4.2. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      2. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/addresses
        • 3.4.3. Request

          • 3.4.4. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.5. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      3. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/addresses/search
        • 3.4.6. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.7. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      4. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/addresses/{id}
        • 3.4.8. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.9. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      5. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/addresses/{id}
        • 3.4.10. Request

          • 3.4.11. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.12. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      6. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/appointmentplanner/booking
        • 3.4.13. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      7. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/appointmentplanner/freebusy
        • 3.4.14. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      8. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/appointmentplanner/synchronize
        • 3.4.15. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      9. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/appointments
        • 3.4.16. Request

          • 3.4.17. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.18. Response

          • New response : [409]//Conflict - the slot for the appointment is overbooked
          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      10. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/appointments/search
        • 3.4.19. Request

          • 3.4.20. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.21. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.22. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      11. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/appointments/{id}
        • 3.4.23. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.24. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      12. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/appointments/{id}
        • 3.4.25. Request

          • 3.4.26. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.27. Response

          • New response : [409]//Conflict - the slot for the appointment is overbooked
          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      13. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/appointmenttemplates/search
        • 3.4.28. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      14. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/articleitems/search
        • 3.4.29. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      15. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/articleitems/stockamounts
        • 3.4.30. Request

          • 3.4.31. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.32. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      16. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/articles/salesprices/search
        • 3.4.33. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      17. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/articles/search
        • 3.4.34. Request

          • 3.4.35. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.36. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.37. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      18. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/articles/{id}
        • 3.4.38. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.39. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      19. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/audiograms/search
        • 3.4.40. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      20. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/availabilities
        • 3.4.41. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      21. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/availabilities/search
        • 3.4.42. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.43. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      22. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/availabilities/{id}
        • 3.4.44. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.45. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      23. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/availabilities/{id}
        • 3.4.46. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      24. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/axlogin
        • 3.4.47. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      25. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/branches/search
        • 3.4.48. Request

          • 3.4.49. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.50. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.51. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      26. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/branches/{id}
        • 3.4.52. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.53. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      27. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/brands/search
        • 3.4.54. Request

          • 3.4.55. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.56. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.57. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      28. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/brands/{id}
        • 3.4.58. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.59. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      29. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/changeUser
        • 3.4.60. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      30. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/colors/search
        • 3.4.61. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      31. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/comments
        • 3.4.62. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      32. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/comments/search
        • 3.4.63. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.64. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      33. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/comments/{id}
        • 3.4.65. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.66. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      34. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/comments/{id}
        • 3.4.67. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      35. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/companies/search
        • 3.4.68. Request

          • 3.4.69. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.70. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.71. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      36. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/companies/{id}
        • 3.4.72. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.73. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      37. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/contactlenses
        • 3.4.74. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      38. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/contactlenses/search
        • 3.4.75. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.76. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      39. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/contactlenses/{id}
        • 3.4.77. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.78. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      40. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/customers
        • 3.4.79. Request

          • 3.4.80. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.81. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      41. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/customers/search
        • 3.4.82. Request

          • 3.4.83. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.84. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.85. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      42. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/customers/{cid}/documents/{did}
        • 3.4.86. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.87. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      43. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/customers/{id}
        • 3.4.88. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.89. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      44. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/customers/{id}
        • 3.4.90. Request

          • 3.4.91. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.92. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      45. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/customers/{id}/documents/search
        • 3.4.93. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.94. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      46. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/doctors/search
        • 3.4.95. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.96. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      47. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/doctors/{id}
        • 3.4.97. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.98. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      48. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/glasses/search Get a list of glasses
        • 3.4.99. Request

          • 3.4.100. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.101. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.102. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      49. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/glasses/{id}
        • 3.4.103. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.104. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      50. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/healthinsurance/search
        • 3.4.105. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      51. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/invoice/search
        • 3.4.106. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.107. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      52. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/invoice/{id}
        • 3.4.108. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.109. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      53. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/lenseoptions/search
        • 3.4.110. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      54. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/lensetypes/search
        • 3.4.111. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      55. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/logout
        • 3.4.112. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      56. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/orders/search
        • 3.4.113. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      57. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/principals
        • 3.4.114. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      58. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/principals/search
        • 3.4.115. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      59. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/principals/{id}
        • 3.4.116. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      60. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/programmoves/search
        • 3.4.117. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      61. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/properties/articletypes/search
        • 3.4.118. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      62. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/properties/predefinedproperties/search
        • 3.4.119. Request

          • 3.4.120. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.121. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.122. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      63. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/properties/predefinedproperties/{id}
        • 3.4.123. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.124. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      64. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/properties/propertytypes/search
        • 3.4.125. Request

          • 3.4.126. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.127. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.128. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      65. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/properties/propertytypes/{id}
        • 3.4.129. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.130. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      66. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/resources
        • 3.4.131. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      67. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/resources/search
        • 3.4.132. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.133. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      68. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/resources/{id}
        • 3.4.134. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.135. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      69. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/resources/{id}
        • 3.4.136. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      70. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/servers/search
        • 3.4.137. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      71. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/staffs
        • 3.4.138. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      72. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/staffs/search
        • 3.4.139. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.140. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      73. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/staffs/{id}
        • 3.4.141. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.142. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      74. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/staffs/{id}
        • 3.4.143. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      75. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/treatments/salesorder
        • 3.4.144. Request

          • 3.4.145. Schema

            Changed body: 'application/json'
        • 3.4.146. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      76. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/treatments/therapeutics/{id}
        • 3.4.147. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.148. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      77. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/treatments/{id}
        • 3.4.149. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.150. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      78. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/views
        • 3.4.151. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
      79. POST/alias/{alias}/protected/views/search
        • 3.4.152. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request
          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.153. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      80. GET/alias/{alias}/protected/views/{id}
        • 3.4.154. Response

          • Changed response : [200]//OK
            • 3.4.155. Schema

              Changed body: 'application/json'
      81. PATCH/alias/{alias}/protected/views/{id}
        • 3.4.156. Response

          • New response : [422]//Unprocessable Entity - The given entity is not valid for that request

      • Keine Stichwörter