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Cooper Vision offers a service, contacting customers by email and SMS after buying contact lenses. They offer online orders and remind on follow-up appointments. For the end-customer it looks like the optican itsself in contacting them.

This service (also called LensFerry) based on the transfer of sales data from the optica to CooperVision.


BranchUnused. This is a service side service for all branches
Client hostUnused
  • Serverseitig
StartPrepare a service configuration for future use


ComapnyChoose Cooper-Vision
Private label

For holders of a private label, enter label name

Leses thats name start with this text are tranferred as private label lenses

Manufacturer ident

A comma-separated list of prodzuct codes (e.g: CADP30,CADP90,CADM30,CADPC3,CADPC6,CADEMD,CADEMN,CADPT3)

If a list is given, only those products are transferred.

URLTarget link for data transfer. Please ask Cooper-Vision
Security tokenSecurity token for data transfer. Please ask Cooper-Vision

See also ...

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