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CalDAV account (installation)

Install Please install one of the above account apps which offers offer CalDAV sync data features. They can be found in the Google Play Store using . Use the search term "caldav".


To establish a connection between your smartphone calendar and the account app you have to set up a new account.

  • After the installation the account app will automatically switch to setup mode and will add a new CalDAV account to


  • your smartphone.
  • The next step is to add the user name & password previously created on AMPAREX and the >>Resource specific URL. The information will be checked and the connection created. As an account name you can for example enter "AMPAREX diary".


Ideally, you would have the URL sent to you by e-mail or SMS and copied over to your smartphone.

  • Please start your smartphone calendar when you’re done with the above. The connection to the account app should be recognised by the calendar straight away. You can manually start the first synchronisation via the three dots in the upper right corner of the calendar. You may also need to restart the calendar after the manual synchronisation in order to see the appointments.
  • If you want to see the current appointments on your smartphone promptly, it is recommended that you set the refresh interval to a shorter interval like 30 minutes.

titlePlease note

When you make an appointment using the calendar app on your smartphone, be sure to select the AMPAREX calendar. Otherwise the appointment will be displayed in the calendar app only and not in the AMPAREX diary.