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We have lately changed to way paid invoices can be credited. If you want to credit a closed (paid in full) invoice please proceed as follows:


When crediting a paid invoice two options will be made available:

  • (1) payments will be kept at the credited invoice for later refund,
  • (2) keep payments with the process as a prepayment for a new invoice.

Let us start with the option (1)

The invoice has been already closed (the customer paid cash) but we need to credit it.

The general settings enable you to set a credit data and to decide if you want to print the credit note straight away or not.

By moving to payments we can choose the first option - "payments will be kept at the credited invoice for later refund".

This simply means that payments will stay with the credit invoice and can be refunded at any time.

After crediting the invoice the status of the credit invoice will change to "Credited". The second entry with the status "Credit" will be your credit note.

Please note that there will be a - £200.00 payment still attached to the credited invoice.

This is the original payment you can now refund the customer with.

The credited invoice will have two separate bookings:

  • the original payment - now ready to be refunded to the customer,
  • the clearing invoice booking for the credited invoice.

The credit note will have one separate booking:

  • the clearing invoice booking for the credit note.


Möchten Sie die Auszahlung unabhängig der Einzahlung ausgeben (geht nur bei Bar als EC bzw. EC als Bar), muss dies vor dem eigentlichen Storno in den Filialketten (1) aktiviert werden (Filialverwaltung → Filialkette → Zahlungen) über die Option 'Zeige Storno Optionsdialog für Bar/EC-Zahlungen'. Starten Sie nach dem speichern AMPAREX neu.


Soll auf der stornierten Rechnung der Hinweis STORNIERT erscheinen, muss an der entsprechenden Dokumentvorlage in den Stammdaten das 'Wasserzeichen Storno' als Hintergrundbild hinterlegt sein.

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