Tip: You can now find this and more pages in the new AMPAREX user guide Please note that this page will no longer be updated.

General changes and fixes in 4.8 (as of April 2020)

The AMPAREX release notes contain summaries of recent changes and software enhancements made available in the latest release.

1. User authorisation groups

1.1. Multiple assignment of authorisation groups

In order to give a selected user a different set of rights on AMPAREX (e.g. article maintenance, patient maintenance, etc.), previously you had to copy an existing user group, adjust the set of rights and assign this newly created group to the user. The disadvantage was that if you later had to make any changes to the original user group, this change wouldn’t affect the copied user group, they would have to be applied there separately. In addition, this led to a flood of similar user groups created on AMPAREX.

With the new AMPAREX 4.8 release you can combine user groups for one user and give a user a different set of rights in different branches.

2. Patient

2.1. Masked bank accounts

Because of data protection, only the last 4 digits of a bank account will be displayed, all other digits will be masked with asterisks '*'. Only users with rights to access the 'Bookkeeping' module would see the full bank details.

2.2. Automatically delete bank details

Bank details that haven’t been used for at least one year could be deleted on AMPAREX by applying an option 'Delete bank details automatically after one year'. Only the bank details of customers who have no open invoices, including service contract will be deleted.


The deleted bank details get written into the customer history of the customer. If an employee has no rights for the 'Bookkeeping' module, the bank details will be hidden behind an asterisk '*' except for the last four digits.

2.3. Show price calculation in delivery notes

Two new placeholders were made available in order to provide price calculations with matching print out options for ‘delivered’ hearing aids. In other words, if a handout document was meant to be printed it would look more less the same as a regular handout document printed for an offer/quote.


AMPAREX generates a temporary offer based on the handout document. The temporary offer also includes all TPP reimbursement rates and discounts.


The placeholder is only available for output documents that were generated using a hearing aid process.


Serial numbers are used as a criteria to find a matching offer. This offer is then used for the calculation. If no offer with serial numbers is found, the last offer will be used for this process.


Those are the basic placeholders only so if the amount needs to be printed out, use the placeholder 'delivery/calculation/amount'.

2.4. Orders tab on the process page

A separate 'Orders' tab has been added to a process page so open orders and articles on a pick list can be shown here.

3. Service contracts

3.1. Bank account selection in the service contract

If a customer has several bank account details saved on AMPAREX, you can choose the appropriate one from the list of bank details when creating or editing service contracts.


Only the bank details for which a direct debit authorisation is available will be offeredfor selection

3.2. Service contracts price change

If the price of a service contract article is changed in the 'Master data', when saving, the user will be asked whether the new price should be applied to the existing service contracts as well. AMPAREX will then change prices for all future invoices in the service contracts. This also applies to different, manually changed prices.

4. Send attachments from the customer archive by email

Documents can be selected from patient’s archive and sent by email.

It is now possible to send documents from the archive of a patient, doctor or a company. The document can be selected in the archive and opened using the 'Preview' button. The 'Send' dialog opens via the 'Send' button in the toolbar, in which a document can be selected from the archive. The same function is offered if you open the 'Print' dialog via the function bar, select a document to be printed and switch to the print preview.

5. Organiser

5.1. Find next free appointment for multiple resources

To make it easier to find free appointments for several resources at once, please use the 'Next free appointment' option from the additional menu of the 'Organiser'. Previously, it was only possible to do it for one selected resource. Now you can also search for dates on which all selected resources are available. For example, to find a matching date for a staff meeting.

6. Inventory management

6.1. Adjusting quantity

When quantity managed goods from an open order or electronic delivery are placed into the inventory, the quantity is pre-filled but it will remain open to any potential adjustments.

7. Masterdata

7.1. Email subject as a placeholder

You can add and edit the email subject as a placeholder ${placeholder}. This way you don’t have to type the subject every time you send mails from AMPAREX. You can edit it on the template level in the 'Master data'.

7.2. Discounts

In order to clearly display several discounts, an overview page has been made available. All currently valid discounts will get displayed on that page. To edit a displayed discount, simply double-click to open it from the list. A new discount can be created by using the 'New' button. A new tab to edit the discount will open.

7.3. Recalculate automatically

The 'Recalculate automatically' option on the discount page enables for an automatic discount adjustment should changes be applied to quotes/offers, e.g. changes to the quantity.

7.4. Apply discount automatically

If there is an ongoing discount campaign or if a certain discount has to be granted for an article by default, depending on the company, please use the ‘Apply automatically’ option when adding that discount to your ‘Master data’.

For the calculation of automatic discounts, all other, non-automatic discounts that have been applied manually will be removed first. All automatic discounts will then be determined and calculated using different combinations so that the end result with be the lowest offer/quote total amount or, in other words the highest possible discount available.

7.5. Purchase discount for article type

A purchase discount/conditions can simultaneously apply to a specific manufacturer and article type.

7.6. Purchase discount for article property

A purchase discount/conditions can apply to a specific article property as well. If a supplier grants an extra discount for a specific hearing aid model(s) you create a unique property, assign it to those hearing aids and apply such purchase discount.

7.7. Discounted price

The article purchase price is calculated by using its list purchase price and a valid supplier discount. Should such calculation not apply to an article you can enter its individual purchase price into the 'Discounted price' field.


By filling in the 'Discounted price' field the purchase conditions for this article will be overridden. Any future changes to the general purchase conditions would have no effect on this article. The purchase price would have to be adjusted manually.

7.8. Define standard warranties using properties

Manufacturers can offer different warranties, e.g. based on the design (BTE / ITE). In the new release the default warranties can be expanded or differentiated using those (or other properties). The entered article properties must be matching.

Due to the different parameters used when defining the default warranties various combinations are possible so the following parameters priority sequence will apply:

- article
- company
- article type
- price group
- other


If there were two warranties that differed only in the property value and an article had both properties, AMPAREX wouldn’t be able todecide’ which default warranty to apply. You should therefore ensure that the warranties are clearly defined and set up.

7.9. Article VAT rate set up change

Certain articles can be sold at different VAT rates depending on the treatment type and country. For example earmould can be sold at a reduced VAT rate when sold together with the hearing aids. The ‘Reduced VAT if sold with primary article' setting could have been used to enable it. The issue was, one had to have to primary article in the offer/quote in order for the setting to apply the reduced VAT rate.

This setting has been renamed to 'Use treatment type VAT rate’ and behaves accordingly. This means that the earmoulds can be sold at a reduced VAT rate even without hearing aids being sold. It’s all down to the treatment/process type now.

8. Bookkeeping

8.1. Provide booking export as a password protected zip file

In order to improve the security of the transmission of exported bookkeeping data, the bookkeeping export can be compressed and protected with a password.

9. Services

9.1. Email alias

An email alias can be added while setting up your standard SMTP service on AMPAREX. Most email programs will display the alias instead of the email address upon receiving the email.

In this example 'AMPAREX GmbH' will replace 'support@amparex.com'.

  • Keine Stichwörter