Versionen im Vergleich


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Should there be a necessity to write off an unpaid invoice please follow the below steps.

1. Make sure that the >>Bookkeeping module is activated for your company. AMPX comes with >>Bookkeeping being not active.

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2. Go to the >>Booking stack and press the >>New button on the right. You should get a new entry in the booking stack (3). Next, use the magnifier to find the payment you want to write off. You will need to pick up the corresponding invoice (4). The line in your booking stack will get filled with the invoice info (3).

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3. Mark the entry in the check box, override the amount to 0.00 (1) and press the save button (2).

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4. Go to the >>Additional feature button and press >>Sales reduction.

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5. As a result of this action you’ll notice a text message informing you that the payment has been written off (1). You should also notice the payment to be debited (2). Next step is to press the >>Save button (3) and then the >>Close Entries button.

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6. When you open the customer invoice and payment you should see the written off amount entered as a discount amount.

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Thank you