Versionen im Vergleich


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We have changed, release 4.9 or later, the way paid invoices can be credited. If you want to credit a closed (paid in full) invoice please proceed as follows:


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  1. Entsprechenden Kunden öffnen (1) und den Menüpunkt 'Rechnungen' (2) die Rechnungsübersicht seiner Rechnungen aufrufen.

  2. Selektieren Sie die zu stornierende Rechnung, so dass diese blau unterlegt ist (3).

  3. Per 'Stornieren' (4), stornieren Sie die zuvor selektierte Rechnung.

  4. Im ersten Schritt des Dialoges wählen Sie das Stornodatum aus und im zweiten Schritt legen Sie fest, was mit der Zahlung passieren soll:

    1. Zahlungen nicht stornieren - Die Zahlung wird dem Vorgang zugeordnet. Erstellen Sie ein neues Angebot aus diesem Vorgang heraus, wird diese (An-)Zahlung dem Angebot und somit der Rechnung zugeführt. Wird ein neuer Vorgang gestartet und es ist noch eine Zahlung offen, fragt ob diese (An-)zahlung dem neuen Vorgang zugeführt werden soll.

    2. Zahlungen stornieren - Wird dieser Punkt ausgewählt, wird der komplette Betrag storniert (entsprechend der Bezahlung - d. h. wurde die Rechnung per Überweisung bezahlt, muss der Betrag zurück überwiesen werden. Wurde der Betrag Bar bezahlt, muss der Betrag entsprechend Bar ausbezahlt werden. Die Buchung im Kassenbuch erfolgt automatisch.

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When crediting an already paid invoice two options related to invoice payments are available:

  • (1) payments will be kept at the credited invoice for later refund,
  • (2) keep payments with the process as a prepayment for a new invoice.

Let's start with the example for option (1) - payments will be kept at the credited invoice for later refund

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The invoice has already been closed (the customer paid cash) but we need to raise a credit note.

After rising the credit note the payments need to be refunded to he customer.

Option 1 is there to keep the payments attached to the invoice for later refund.

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First, the >>General settings window will help edit the credit note date and print the credit note straight away if needed.

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While on the >>Payments window please choose the first option - "payments will be kept at the credited invoice for later refund".

This simply means that payments will remain attached to the credited invoice and that we can refund them at any time later.

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After crediting the invoice its status will change to "Credited". The second entry on the invoice overview page, with the status "Credit", will be the credit note.

Please note that the initial - £200.00 payment will be attached to the credited invoice.

This is the original invoice payment which you can now refund to the customer.

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The credited invoice will have two separate bookings:

  • the original payment - now ready to be refunded to the customer,
  • the clearing invoice booking coming from the credited invoice.

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The credit note will have one separate booking:

  • the clearing invoice booking coming from the credit note.

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The payment information about the credited invoice, as seen on the customer file, will be displayed as follows:

  • as the customer has already paid the whole amount there will be no outstanding payment displayed in the >>Payment field,
  • the refund amount will be seen in the yellow box, "To be paid - £200.00" (you'd need to place your mouse cursor over the invoice in order to see it).

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To refund (cancel) the payment please go to the >>Pay button on the invoice overview page, mark the original payment(s) and press the Cancel button.

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The result will be an additional booking entry on your payment overview page, the bottom entry in our example.

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The payment information about the credited invoice, as seen on the customer file, will be displayed as follows:

  • there will be no changes to the >>Payment field,
  • as a result of the payment cancellation the amount to be refunded will disappear from the yellow box, "To be paid"  will equal £0.00.

The example for option (2) - keep payments with the process as a prepayment for a new invoice.

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The invoice has already been closed (the customer paid cash) but we need to raise a credit note.

After rising the credit note the payments need to be kept and attached to the original process as new invoice will be created using the same process. This is usually the case when invoices need to be corrected for one reason or another but there was no issue with payments.

Option 2 is there to keep the payments attached to the process.

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First, the >>General settings window will help edit the credit note date and print the credit note straight away if needed.

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While on the >>Payments window we will choose the second option - "keep payments with the process as a prepayment for a new invoice".

This simply means that payments will remain attached to the invoiced process and that later we can use those payments to pay for the new invoice.

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After crediting the invoice its status will change to "Credited". The second entry on the invoice overview page, with the status "Credit", will be the credit note.

Please note that there won't be any payments attached to the credited invoice.

The payments will appear as a prepayment in the original process the credited invoice was raised from.

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The credited invoice will have one separate booking:

  • the clearing invoice booking for the credited invoice.

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The credit note will have one separate booking:

  • the clearing invoice booking for the credit note.

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The original payment will be attached to the original process. It will appear in the prepayment field.

It will be automatically transferred to the next offer and if the offer gets invoiced the payment will be added to that invoice automatically.

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The payment information about the credited invoice, as seen on the customer file, will be displayed as follows:

  • the original payment, now the prepayment, will show up as credit in the >>Payment field.

Please note, this is the case before a new invoice will be created from the affected process


Möchten Sie die Auszahlung unabhängig der Einzahlung ausgeben (geht nur bei Bar als EC bzw. EC als Bar), muss dies vor dem eigentlichen Storno in den Filialketten (1) aktiviert werden (Filialverwaltung → Filialkette → Zahlungen) über die Option 'Zeige Storno Optionsdialog für Bar/EC-Zahlungen'. Starten Sie nach dem speichern AMPAREX neu.

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Soll auf der stornierten Rechnung der Hinweis STORNIERT erscheinen, muss an der entsprechenden Dokumentvorlage in den Stammdaten das 'Wasserzeichen Storno' als Hintergrundbild hinterlegt sein
