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Tencent Cloud SMS gateway interface (China only).

In order to use Tencent Cloud to send SMS messages from AMPAREX the following settings are necessary.

Please note that you have to apply the settings on both AMPAREX and Tencent Cloud.

1. Tencent Cloud setup

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  • You would then need to wait  for your company our yourself to be verified by Tencent Cloud.
  • Once verified you can go ahead and create a project under "Products""Communication""Short Message Service". This will enable you to use the Tencent Cloud platform to send SMS messages. Please note that the below screenshots are from the international version of Tencent Cloud. The Chinese web page could differ.

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  • Please make sure you that your "Project" would be for messaging to mainland China. At this stage you'll obtain your unique "SDK AppID" and "APP Key" you would need to enter it later onto AMPAREX to further configure the SMS interface there.

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  • The next step is to create your SMS message template on Tencent Cloud. You would need to create your SMS Signature as well as this is what would be displayed on the recipient phone when an SMS message gets sent to your patient(s).

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The sample template could look like the below example:

We are looking forward to seeing you {1} at {2} o'clock! Best regards {3}

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The same template saved on AMPAREX would look like this.

TemplateID: 351713
Params: [
   <span placeholder="true">/appointment/startdate</span>,
   <span placeholder="true">/appointment/starttime</span>,
   <span placeholder="true">login/staff/fullname</span>

We are looking forward to seeing you <span placeholder="true">/appointment/startdate</span> at <span placeholder="true">/appointment/starttime</span> o'clock!
Best regards <span placeholder="true">login/staff/fullname</span>

You would still need the fully functional AMPAREX placeholders in order to add customer related info onto your SMS message. Please note that on Tencent Cloud AMPAREX placeholders would need to be replaced by numbers placed in the curly brackets {1}. This means that the order of placeholders added on AMPAREX is not random, in our example:
{1} equals <span placeholder="true">/appointment/startdate</span>
{2} equals <span placeholder="true">/appointment/starttime</span>
{3} equals <span placeholder="true">login/staff/fullname</span>

It is mandatory to keep the above template formatting on AMPAREX. It has to follow the pattern starting with the "TemplateID". The placeholders need to be separated by commas in order to work. The numbers in the curly brackets on Tencent Cloud must follow the order of placeholders on AMPAREX.

The text of your SMS message will come from the Tencent Cloud template. We only display it on AMPAREX to visualise it.

  • After editing and saving your SMS template will be pending Tencent Cloud approval. From our experience it can take up to a few hours. As soon as it gets approved you'll be able to use it.

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2. Settings on AMPAREX

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BranchYou can limit the service to a certain branch only.
PC/workstationYou can limit the service to a certain computer only. If no computer is selected, each computer may use the service.
StartYou can specifying a start date for the selected interface to start automatically. With no date selected the interface is ready for use straight away.

SMS Details

User nameYou will receive it from the provider. It will be called “SDK AppID”.

Here you can specify the sender’s name. This what the SMS recipient will see displayed on his/her smartphone. Please clarify the usage of special characters with the Tencent Cloud support.

Proxy ServerThe provider’s unique URL. This is already selected for you because it's always the same for a selected provider.
Check login dataPressing this button sends a query to your SMS API provider to check if the credentials you’ve entered are correct.
PasswordWill be communicated to you by the service provider and it called "App Key" here.
Country codePlease select 86 valid for People's Republic of China.

3. Additional info about SMS API on Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud has 4 main SMS service areas which contain different APIs. We currently use those marked in bold.

  • SMS text message APIs
    • Send single SMS message with specified template
    • Send bulk SMS messages with specified template
    • SMS message delivery status notification
    • SMS message reply
    • Pull SMS message status
    • Pull SMS message status of a single mobile number
  • Template APIs
    • Add SMS message template
    • Modify SMS message template
    • Delete SMS message template
    • Query SMS message template status
  • Signature APIs
    • Add SMS signature
    • Modify SMS signature
    • Delete SMS signature
    • Query SMS signature status
  • Statistics APIs
    • Delivery statistics
    • Report statistics

Schnittstelle zum SMS Gateway des chinesischen Anbieters TencentCloud.

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FilialeSie können über den Punkt Filiale den Service so einschränken, dass nur eine Filiale diesen Service nutzen darf - ist keine ausgewählt, darf jede Filiale den Service nutzen.RechnerSie können über den Punkt Rechner den Service so einschränken, dass nur ein bestimmter Rechner diesen Service nutzen darf - ist keiner ausgewählt, darf jeden Computer den Service nutzen.Verwendung
StartAngabe eines Startdatum ab wann die Schnittstelle in AMPAREX automatisch freigeben werden soll. Bleibt das Feld leer, ist die Schnittstelle sofort einsatzbereit.

SMS Details

BenutzernameWird Ihnen vom Betreiber mitgeteilt und heißt beim Betreiber 'SDK AppID'.Absender

Der angezeigte Absender welchen der Empfänger der SMS sehen soll. Absender-Namen mit Umlauten oder Sonderzeichen bitte mit dem Support von Tencent Cloud abklären.

Proxy ServerDie URL für den Anbieter. Diese ist bereits vorbelegt, da Sie immer dieselbe ist.Zugangsdaten prüfenSendet eine Abfrage an die SMS API und wenn die Antwort positiv ist, dann stimmen die Zugangsdaten.PasswortWird Ihnen vom Betreiber mitgeteilt und lautet hier 'App Key'.LandescodeFür Deutschland tragen Sie hier 49 ein. Eine Liste der Ländercodes erhalten Sie → hier.