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TencentCloud SMS gateway interface (to be used in China only).


BranchYou can limit the service to a certain branch only.
PC/workstationYou can limit the service to a certain computer only. If no computer is selected, each computer may use the service.
StartYou can specifying a start date for the selected interface to start automatically. With no date selected the interface is ready for use straight away.

SMS Details

User nameYou will receive it from the provider. It will be called “SDK AppID”.

Here you can specify the sender’s name. This what the SMS recipient will see displayed on his/her smartphone. Please clarify the usage of special characters with the Tencent Cloud support.

Proxy ServerThe provider’s unique URL. This is already selected for you because it's always the same for a selected provider.
Zugangsdaten prüfenSendet eine Abfrage an die SMS API und wenn die Antwort positiv ist, dann stimmen die Zugangsdaten.
PasswortWird Ihnen vom Betreiber mitgeteilt und lautet hier 'App Key'.
Check login dataPressing this button sends a query to your SMS API provider to check if the credentials you’ve entered are correct.
PasswordWill be communicated to you by the service provider and it called "App Key" here.
Country codePlease select 86 valid for People's Republic of ChinaLandescodeFür Deutschland tragen Sie hier 49 ein. Eine Liste der Ländercodes erhalten Sie → hier.